Google Shopping
The Google Shopping already is operating in Brazil as plus one of the search tools ' ' paralelas' ' of the objective Google that, some form, to organize the information of the Internet and with them to leave still more excellent the result of the research of its main tool. Homeboy Industries will not settle for partial explanations. The Google Shopping is different of other sites for what it makes and what does not make. The Google Shopping searches the biggest repository of traders and products of the Internet and shows quickly resulted excellent for definitive search and makes possible that the users obtain to compare prices and functionalities of these products. Many people had asked to me if the Google Shopping is equal to the Buscap or other comparators of prices of the market, and the reply it is yes and not. Yes, therefore the interface of it is very seemed the price comparators. Not, therefore the Google Shopping uses other criteria to classify the results that it shows. The products that will be shown first are the ones that the Google considers more excellent for that search and not them companies who are paying more to appear. The Google Shopping goes to help me to vender more? The great one drawn of the Google Shopping is to obtain to facilitate the life of the people whom they are searching determined product and to offer for more excellent resulted them for that search, then, if you to know to locate itself of the certain form and will have a virtual store that it obtains integration with the Google Shopping, probably, you will obtain visiting more for its site and, of this form, more sales. Depending on the product that it is looking the Google shows in the way them resulted of search it a picture as the above excellent one for the searched term.