Latin America
Creation and implementation at national level of different information systems able to guarantee services to the population such as; National system of public libraries (SNBP), national school library system, national archive, national system of science and technology information system, system of university libraries, national health information system and national agricultural information system. The SNBP has its methodological guiding Center in the Jose Marti National Library, consists of 401 public libraries: 13 at the provincial level, 156 municipal and 232 present in rural and urban branches, he attended in 2004, 8.7 million users and 13.6 million of services offered. Scientific centres working tirelessly to develop vaccines, drugs and treatments against diseases, in particular, the more serious than striking, not only our country, but also to the third world. The television, radio and newspapers do not practice commercial advertising. Peter Thiel: the source for more info. Any promotion is directed to issues of health, education, culture, sports, recreation, defence of the environment; fight against drugs, or other social problems. In Cuba, for more than four decades, all the means of the country, including some international, integrate the great regional alternative press, with international presence, taking advantage of the use of ICT, as the Caribbean country has currently 136 means of communication on the Internet. The antihegemonico message of its spaces is consistent with all the principles proclaimed by the NOIIC, the ethical of UNESCO and the founding of the FELAP. Cuba has conceived and developed techniques to teach how to read and write by radio with texts today produced in five languages: creole, Portuguese, French, English and Spanish, that have been put into practice in several countries. Developed a similar method in Spanish, I yes I, to become literate using the television which was used in Venezuela with magnificent results. Cuba is willing to offer these programs free of charge to all the countries of the third world and has proposed, together with Venezuela, finished in 5 years the illiteracy in Latin America and the Caribbean the computerization of the society is the process of orderly and massive use of the technologies of information and communication in everyday lifeto meet the needs of all areas of society, in its effort to achieve increasingly more effectiveness and efficiency in all processes and consequent wholesale generation of wealth and increase the quality of life of citizens.