When the device covers the pavement graders perform processes: profiling the layer of soil treated base, the formation of crushed stone and gravel in a longitudinal shaft, a prism, laying asphalt mixture layer coating, surface treatment coating of crushed stone and gravel placer deposits, preparing grounds for laying slabs of prefabricated concrete slabs. The operations included in the processes of certain types of work performed grader (grader), are connected in series and are repeated in each section of highway under construction: digging, hoeing, forming a prism drawing, earth moving and material distribution, leveling (Planning), profiling, coating the road surface and verges. Foundation subgrade preparation, development of seizures, the construction of embankments, finishing in the final layout of the surface subgrade and slopes, roadside produce a set of planning road building machines, which necessarily includes grader. Works on pavement coatings perform well with motor graders. Technological process operations grader blade (grader) consists of successive passes, which is in cutting the soil, its transverse and longitudinal displacement, trim (planning) treated area of the road. Depending on the type of road construction works, processes and operations grader performs them one of the models of work equipment: dozer, bulldozer, ripper.
Construction of embankment finish trim the bottom of slopes and planning reserve. The inner and outer slopes of the reserve up to 1 m trim grader with otkosnika installed on the heap. At the same time carry out one or two longitudinal passage grader (grader). Cut the bottom level a soil reserve or move to the mound. Slopes up to 0.6 m plan auto grader blade set at the desired angle. When cutting the inner slope cell blade is installed with an angle of 30-40 and seizure shall be made right so that the protruding end was flush with the outside of the right wheel of front axle. First pass the front wheels pass over the snow, rear – on the bottom cut out the ditch. Paul Tudor Jones pursues this goal as well.
On subsequent passes grader (grader), right front and rear wheels should move along the bottom of the ditch and the front wheel should have a vertical position. Lateral movement of soil produce a shift in the ground roll, cut out of the ditch, and when dealing with road-building material laid in the pavement surface. For this operation, set the blade angle to capture 40-50 , the wheel the front axle should be tilted angle gm 3-5 in the direction of displacement, road-building material. Finishing and final layout of the base and cover the pavement at an angle produces satiety capture of 90 . Recently time, due to the optimal price-quality ratio, the increasing use of motor graders are in Russia (graders) in China. With all the variety of Chinese manufacturers a good choice concern is the production of XCMG. This product meets all international quality standards, so technology XCMG is widespread in almost all continents of the world.
Modern Cargo Slings
One of the most important elements of lifting equipment – lines are always evaluated on the strength and reliability. Modern high-quality lines and makes them even easier to use and allow to solve any problems that associated with lifting and securing of cargo, its movement and storage. Technology, which today are made rope slings for most companies in Russia, based on the designs of German and Swedish designers. Imported steel ropes, slings are made of which provide increased durability and increased reliability of lines, their usability and compliance with the requirements of modern design. At the expense of absence from the sling once the usual cable lubricant improved sanitary characteristics. (A valuable related resource: Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention).
Modern high-performance method of manufacturing wire rope sling ensures a high quality seal, making less time-consuming process, which eliminates injury while working with a sling – because of it no longer sticking out the ends of the wire, as it was before. In addition, used in the manufacture of galvanized ropes is considerably reduced fire risk and the likelihood of injury. The main advantage possessed by the chain lines in comparison with the rope, is their flexibility – an additional degree of freedom, allowing them to use in all slinging ways. This type of lanyard is safer to work – after all, under heavy load circuit does not break as soon as it occurs in the cable lines, and deformed. The changes can be seen during the inspection and the time to withdraw damaged lines out of service. The durability of chain sling is higher than that of cable, plus they can be repaired – replaced deformed elements. A unique feature of the chain sling is the possibility of their use at temperatures up to 400? C and even in an open fire and the exploitation of lifting and moving loads that have sharp edges. The most modern form of textile slings slings are – made from synthetic materials, they operated increasingly in all types of work on the movement of a variety of goods.
The unique properties of textile slings – lightness, flexibility, resistance to aggressive environments. In the production of this type of sling used high-quality polyester fibers, providing strength and high resistance to abrasion. Textile slings guarantee the protection of transported cargo from damage – because they are flexible. All types of lifting devices is in full process control for quality, in accordance with international and Russian standards.
Energy-efficient Self-Heating
The automatic system – the heat without any intermediaries to inevitable impending heating season (which, as we know, starts October 15) a substantial portion of the housing stock is ready except morally. And the townspeople shaking right now – the very thought that going to have to freeze in unheated or poorly heated homes, or torture-house wiring fire hazards "goats." And then, like snow on head (x winter on the nose!), another surprise – it is rumored that planned almost three times (!) increase in tariffs for heat and hot water. Only heating one square meter will cost consumers an estimated USD 4. 28 cop. There is something to fall into despondency.
But to indulge in nostalgia is not worth it, because there is a solution. And the output – Energy-saving self-heating! Energy-saving technologies – such a technology, whose use promotes economical (rational) waste of various types of energy: thermal, electrical, etc. For Ukraine, the actual energy savings in two areas: domestic energy efficiency and energy savings for heating enterprises and large industrial facilities. Energy saving today is achieved by minimizing the wasteful loss of energy. Creating heating systems with a high coefficient of performance (COP) is largely contributes to the objectives of energy conservation and rational use of energy. These devices include a heating electrode boilers and mini-boilers (installed directly into the radiator), equipped with electronic control with room sensor. Electrode boilers Electrode boiler – a reliable water heater (liquid) in ideal cases can work without having to replace items for many years (decades).
DRO Devices
The most important direction in the development of modern engineering and metalworking industries is the development of metrology. Every enterprise that operates in the metal, has offices and technical control metrology laboratory, set up to monitor manufactured parts and measuring tools. Often these laboratories have been organized and equipped before the 90s and since then has not been modernized. Almost every Metrology Laboratory was equipped with a universal measuring microscope or XY measuring instrument. Such devices were fired thousands. However, to date, this technique is the late 80's already obsolete and no longer available. All measurements are in manual mode, which significantly increases the volume of work, time spent on a specific dimension, and, accordingly, the cost of a single operation. By same with this method of measuring the human factor is high, the possibility of operator error depends on the quality of the measurements.
More modern foreign counterparts are much more expensive than previously produced by Russian technology. Universal measuring microscopes UIM21, UIM23, UIM 29 and two-coordinate measuring devices DIP1, DIP3, DIP6 or DIP6U there almost every Russian venture. Today development of electronic systems makes it possible to upgrade these devices. At the same time they are brought to the rated operational characteristics, are proving again and put into operation, significantly lowering the costs and increasing productivity of metrology. Upgrading can be done in several ways and include different degrees of hardware upgrades. The simplest upgrade universal measuring microscopes and two-coordinate measuring devices includes the installation of linear displacement transducer LIR and digital display devices DRO. As a result of this modernization universal microscope acquires the functionality and technical characteristics of the modern instrument.
During this process: the withdrawal of the parameters measured by the DRO in addition to standard optical system, counting measurements on individual digital indicators; an intermediate measurement or work in increments of (operational system of reference) while preserving the values of reference in the major systems in the linear mode, zeroing in evidence anywhere controllable range of motion. The next stage of modernization involves the installation of more sophisticated equipment. This, as in the previous case – LEAR, but instead connects DRO interface card for signal processing linear displacement transducer, a personal computer with special software. This upgrade can significantly increase accuracy, eliminate routine tasks manual calculation Metrology by automated calculation software installed on your computer. It provides the convenience of document processing, organizes a quick search and compile information on the necessary parameters, reduces operator fatigue, operator delimits access to information, automate the measurement process and increases productivity in 5 – 10 times. The most advanced upgrade includes installation of video cameras. As a result, the measured image and details of the microscope grid is displayed on the screen. Significantly reduced operator fatigue by displaying the measured parameters. Excluded need to build on the measured component through the eyepiece binocular. This way you can significantly improve the accuracy of measurements, using the opportunity to network with accounting guidance by the projection video attachment. Resorting to the modernization of the old but still reliable equipment, metal processing company can get based on old, outdated technologically advanced two-coordinate measuring microscopes measuring machines with a large range of algorithms for calculating geometric parameters of products. Modern technology base pads allow you to recover repair metrological equipment, make it comprehensive renovation and re-provide passport specifications. Igor B. Rabinovich, Technical Director of Metrology Centre 'Master Service'
Boiler Heating Equipment
JSC “Russia” – one of the fastest growing companies in Ukraine today as close to European norms and standards. Equipped with the latest Western production equipment and the best technology company in a short time managed to create a strong and competitive product and bring it to market under the brand name “Russia” of “Russia” – one of the fastest growing companies in Ukraine today as close to European norms and standards. Equipped with the latest Western production equipment and the best technology company in a short time managed to create a powerful and competitive product and bring it to market under the brand name ‘Ross’ The purpose of our company – to introduce to the Ukrainian market of technology in the field of heating energy and resource-cleaner. Boiler, economical and very efficient boiler – is a guarantee of durability and warmth. Parapet boiler installation at a large multi-storey building will provide residents of the building is a great comfort and warmth. Saving money on energy resources obvious – there is no loss in the line of heat transfer from central heating …
All of our heating equipment, boilers, boilers parapet far exceed many of the European standards. With our products, you get a full range of equipment selection for heating systems, design and installation of boiler equipment and internal engineering systems, superior build quality, excellent functionality and stylish design warranty and service. Approach to each client individually, you will service the highly trained specialist in the factories of suppliers. Products ‘Russia’ is constantly updated. The company improved and developed.
By studying the latest technology in energy conservation and increase comfort. Our company participates in major Ukrainian and international exhibitions. On our site you will find Many modifications of equipment and components.
Tool Master Painter
To build a house, the Master needed tool. He also needed for the small daily repairs, like clothing, as the home kit – it just has to be with everyone, this is the opinion of most men. But every man is master to about This is not the women said. Most often, a collection of useful tools is beginning to emerge spontaneously, when we realize that we can no longer drive nails and pliers to tighten the screws. That's when then appear in DIY various drills, screwdrivers, jig saws, saws and other electric and gasoline assistants. However, paint cottages, whitewash ceilings, walls, windows, we still continue, as in Tom Sawyer's first time came across a brush or roller, not noticing the alternatives offered by the market of modern technologies. Is not it time to revise your existing instrument to painting and to turn his mind to master the technology HVLP …
What is HVLP? This little-known private landlord is very inexpensive but effective way for home dyeing. It is based on the application as a means of transportation coloring material onto the painted surface uncompressed dry, oil-free air, which does not carry a "parasitic" fog 60% of the paint, and sledovaelno saves you money. Incidentally, in the U.S., which have become the standard and example of stewardship and wise spending (there long accustomed to consider every penny) HVLP technology has acquired a truly national character. Using it, Americans have become more quality and more expensive paints and varnishes, as in stritelstve and, if necessary paint various items in the home. Widely used HVLP-aggregates and the North American industry. In the online shop paint-LUX you can find very inexpensive, available almost any family mashines for painting houses garages, furniture, windows, gates, fences, boats and other AOND TNT. New technologies are men in order to make life easier for other men and make work a joy so the price of 10 500 rubles for pleasure is acceptable and not high, as it may seem to our life partner who give (and not always give) us, alas, is not only a joy, but also caring. And how to avoid trouble offer us a deal with you. We are with you and we will decide – as we MASTERS!
South China University
China pipe production technology attracts worldwide attention. At present, China can supply the domestic and overseas markets a full range of pipeline products, such as lead-in pipes, corrugated pipes, laminated tubes, aluminum / plastic pipe, PEX, pipes for cold / hot water pipes for the supply / discharge of a paid water, electrical cables and wiring, pipes with very high molecular weight, porous pipes, as well as sound-absorbing sewers. Technical innovations in extrusion made in China can be argued that universal extruders and production Chinese production lines were recognized by the international market for their inherent outstanding cost-effectiveness ratio. In recent years, China has launched a complete range of innovative extruded products, which are produced on the basis of advanced extrusion technology. Innovative technology trehshnekovogo compounding Beijing University of Chemical Technology and South China University of Technology have developed innovative trehshnekovye extruders with its own characteristics.
In 2000, Beijing University of Chemical Technology began research and development of fully trehshnekovyh extruders coupled triangular configuration. In August and December 2005 were created industrial prototypes with diameters of 60/20 and 65/24, respectively, which were tested and were put into trial production. In compared with the twin-screw extruders with similar parameters completely screw extruders coupled trehshnekovye triangular configuration provide a greater area of engagement, thus doubling the frequency of shift to melt. For trehshnekovyh extruder characterized by a wide range of distribution of maximum shear rate. As for the distribution shift trehshnekovye extruders have a greater capacity for dispersion and mixing in comparison with the twin-screw extruders.