8 May 2020, 4:26pm

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Tool Master Painter

To build a house, the Master needed tool. He also needed for the small daily repairs, like clothing, as the home kit – it just has to be with everyone, this is the opinion of most men. But every man is master to about This is not the women said. Most often, a collection of useful tools is beginning to emerge spontaneously, when we realize that we can no longer drive nails and pliers to tighten the screws. That's when then appear in DIY various drills, screwdrivers, jig saws, saws and other electric and gasoline assistants. However, paint cottages, whitewash ceilings, walls, windows, we still continue, as in Tom Sawyer's first time came across a brush or roller, not noticing the alternatives offered by the market of modern technologies. Is not it time to revise your existing instrument to painting and to turn his mind to master the technology HVLP …

What is HVLP? This little-known private landlord is very inexpensive but effective way for home dyeing. It is based on the application as a means of transportation coloring material onto the painted surface uncompressed dry, oil-free air, which does not carry a "parasitic" fog 60% of the paint, and sledovaelno saves you money. Incidentally, in the U.S., which have become the standard and example of stewardship and wise spending (there long accustomed to consider every penny) HVLP technology has acquired a truly national character. Using it, Americans have become more quality and more expensive paints and varnishes, as in stritelstve and, if necessary paint various items in the home. Widely used HVLP-aggregates and the North American industry. In the online shop paint-LUX you can find very inexpensive, available almost any family mashines for painting houses garages, furniture, windows, gates, fences, boats and other AOND TNT. New technologies are men in order to make life easier for other men and make work a joy so the price of 10 500 rubles for pleasure is acceptable and not high, as it may seem to our life partner who give (and not always give) us, alas, is not only a joy, but also caring. And how to avoid trouble offer us a deal with you. We are with you and we will decide – as we MASTERS!

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